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Προβολή ανακοίνωσης από τρίτους


Δημόσια πρόσκληση για τη διοργάνωση του «Διεθνούς Θερινού Σχολείου Κοινωφελούς Ιδρύματος Ιωάννη Σ. Λάτση 2011»

Submission deadline: 31 January 2011

Public Call for the organisation of the

“John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation

International Summer School 2011”

on Environmental Sciences


The John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation invites scientists from Universities or Research Institutes from Greece and abroad to submit a proposal for the organisation of the “John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation International Summer School 2011” on Environmental Sciences.


General Framework

-      Applications should be jointly submitted by scientists working in Universities and/or Research Institutes in Greece and abroad who will assume the responsibility of organising and coordinating all Summer School’s functions.

-      The topic of the Summer School must lie in the field of Environmental Sciences, while adopting an interdisciplinary approach, preferably oriented towards addressing challenges relevant to Greece, neighbouring countries and the broader South Eastern Europe & Mediterranean. All files related to previous programmes are available on the Foundation’s Summer Schools Archive (http://www.latsis-foundation.org/en/16/summer_schools.html).

-      Lecturers should be both from Greek as well as foreign Institutions.

-      Student participants’ maximum number should be 30, from universities in Greece and abroad. Students must be enrolled in a Masters / PhD programme.

-      Classes will take place at Pallas Athena, the Foundation’s premises in Athens, Greece (http://www.latsis-foundation.org/en/48/photo_gallery.html ).

-      The Summer School is expected to take place no earlier than mid-June and no later than mid-July 2011 and its duration is expected to be for a maximum of 15 days.


-      The John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation will be the sole sponsor of the Summer School.

-      Summer School attendance will be free of charge.

-      Budget: €70,000 (seventy thousand Euros) including all expense categories except for:

  • students travel costs.
  • lunches and coffee-breaks during classes which will be provided at the Foundation’s premises and will be financed directly by the Foundation.


Proposal Submission

The proposals submitted must include:

- An application from the organizers who will present a detailed overview of the proposed Summer  School. Template application form is available on www.latsis-foundation.org.

- Names, contact details and short CV's (not more than two pages) of the Organising Committee members.

- Applicants must present a detailed content of the Summer School and a preliminary list of lecturers that have accepted to participate, accompanied by their short CVs (not more than two pages).

- Any other peripheral activities (e.g. parallel social activities) planned during the Summer School.

- The applicants should indicate the extent to which the main affiliated institutions, which must be at least one from Greece and one from abroad, are willing to participate in the preparation of the Summer School (e.g. provision of administrative help, infrastructure).

- Timeline and a detailed budget.

- Any other relevant details, which may be taken into consideration during the evaluation (e.g. previous experience in organising Summer Schools).

Inquiries and completed application forms can be submitted at summerschool[at]latsis-foundation[dot]org.

Submission deadline: 31 January 2011.

Applications will be evaluated by the Foundation’s Scientific Committee.

John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation